Monday, June 8, 2009

Not Me! Monday.

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I did not have a date with the hubs Friday night.

I did not fall while walking down the sidewalk.

If I did, I would not have posted about it. Nope, not me!

I did not flip out Saturday night when Caroline came to me and threw up. She did not tell me that she ate a pepperoni. A pepperoni? We did not have pork chops for dinner! Where the heck did a pepperoni come from? I did not start to panic. We did not find a Cascade tablet laying in the middle of the kitchen floor, busted.

Caroline did not try to eat the Cascade dishwashing tablet. She did not get a little bit in her mouth. Like I said, it did not make her throw up.... on my living room carpet. Yum.

I did not stress myself out over it. She is not fine. Thank goodness! I did not drink two glasses of wine when the whole ordeal was over.

Both of my children, were not up until 12 am this morning. Ugh! I did not seriously think about putting them in the car and driving them around. Thank goodness, Ry did not come to the rescue and help me. He did not take Caroline so that I could get Em to sleep.

This is a short Not Me! Monday.

I am tired and I cannot think.

I'll post again soon.

I also have pictures to post.

I will post them sometime today!

1 comment:

amanda said...

oh no a cascade tablet!! poor you!! and poor her!!

thank goodness for wine and carpet cleaner :)