Saturday, June 27, 2009

Banned from the Splash Pad.

Dear Caroline,

We went to the splash park with friends the other day. You had a fabulous time. We had a fabulous time.

Mommy totally wore her blue string bikini, thinking no other parents would be there that early in the morning. WRONG. I frolicked in the water with you and Em anyway. Showing off the stretch marks and sagging boobs that you girls blessed me with. I just had a pedicure so at least my feet looked fabulous. It was funny to watch the moms on the other side of the splash pad eye me as if I was committing so sort of terrible crime. Like I said, Mama frolicked anyway!

You played with your friends and then decided it was time for snacks. After eating all of Kari's fruit you decided to share Doritos with your friends. You drank your blue juice box. Halfway through snack time, you began crying. You did your usual... cry, get worked up, get hot, cry some more, then vomit. Yes, you decided to work yourself up to the point of spewing vomit everywhere. As if the snotty moms across the splash pad weren't talking about me enough... you had to go vomit. Thanks. Thanks a lot.

Why must you vomit when you get upset? It really is getting old. It is out of control. So from now on when we are out in public, can you please keep your vomit to yourself?

Love Always,

PS- Blue (juice box) and yellowish/orangish (doritos) clearly makes green. A bright, vomit green.

PPS- I may or may not have yelled dammit at the splash pad. I was all worked up too and I can't remember. I'm pretty sure if the other moms heard me say that, they would damn me to hell.


Brittany@Love Stitched said...

Thanks for your support by adding our LOVE STITCHED button! Good luck with the contest! your children are adorable :)

Jamie said...

OMG Emma's bikini is ADORABLE! Poor Caroline making herself sick all the time :( maybe she will grow out of that soon. I'm sure those other moms were staring b/c they are jealous of your mommy bod after not one but two babies!

Diana said...

I agree with Jamie about the other moms! And that little bikini is TOO cute!!!

Kari said...

We are happy to share our fruit anytime! And, we had so much fun! I, even was a little jealous of you two moms in bikini's. I am in the market for a snazzy little one piece myself! Ha ha. Hopefully we can hang out there again together soon! And, I don't think you said anything bad? All that I heard was pg atleast!! Haha

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Oh,'ve got to give your mommy a break.

Seems like a great time and you got some great pictures.

Jamie said...

Hailey I sent you a thank you note but I am always so scared mail gets lost so I just wanted to thank you so much for the gift. I already have to clutch in my diaper bag and I am sure we will use the bib 1000 times haha. You are so sweet :)

Haley Nicodemus said...

Ummm...did she vomit on the splash pad?

I won't lie, I would have given you a bad look too if your child threw-up where my child was frolicking!


And Emma's bikini is ADORABLE!