This season has been amazing. I'm talking A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. We can't get enough. We are constantly watching and googling. We have a slight
I'm a little embarrassed to share this... Caroline is in love. Not just with the whole Big Brother show but with someone in particular. Who you ask? Do you even have to ask?
Jeff. Jeff Schroeder.

Isn't he beautiful?
And then there is the towel shot...

He is pretty amazing isn't he? I think so too. However, I contain myself. I don't yell his name each time he comes on the screen. Caroline does. I'm talking she yells and throws herself at the TV as if Jeff is her Prince Charming coming to rescue her on his white horse.
I do look forward to seeing him every Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday. But throwing myself at the TV... not so much.
I wonder how Ryan would react to that? I might try it out Tuesday.
Jeff is a cutie. He is just a real normal guy. Major turn on, lol
At least Caroline had GREAT taste! Hahah that's hilarious!
Im so glad my husband's name is Jeff. Cause I dream about BB Jeff all the time. LOL. Shhhh....
She does have good taste! Go Caroline!!!
Where was I when they took this photo in the photo towel. I think I just might throw myself at the TV too if he walked across the screen in that towel, OMG! Whewww, I think I need a cold shower now!LOL
Caroline needs to back off because Jeff is mine! Seriously, Erin, Brittany and I all have crushes on Jeff. Even Heith admitted that he has a man crush on him. He's such a normal, nice guy. I'm afraid he's going to get kicked off this week though...what will we DO??
BTW, have you seen the pic of Jeff in the shower when he gets a little too close to the door? WOW.
It's so funny that I found your blog today and you have an obsession with not only big brother but JEFF TOO! GIRL - don't even get me started on him.. OMG!! YUM. :)
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