Friday, February 20, 2009

Why I didn't post.

Yesterday was fabulous.

It started with waking up late and an over-cooked egg.

Followed by spitup, vomit, tantrums, flying food, naked bodies, wet clothes, playing in the toilet, more tantrums, no naps.

I ended my day with a steak dinner, a passed out two-year old at the table, an under-cooked baked potato and a glass of wine.

I topped it all off with Grey's and Private Practice and my last Reese's heart that I made last through BOTH shows. I savored it.

THAT, my friends, is why I had no time to post yesterday.

Now, on to PSF.


Emily said...

I give you the letter S.... have FUN:) I just randomly thought of the letter S and so that is your letter:) yeah:) Hope today is better than yesterday.. ending the day with chocolate and wine.. sounds like a perfect ending to a crazy ass day:)

Kari said...

You so described my last two days!! Except for the steak dinner and's like you were here!!!! I am sorry that you had a day like that.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

I see no reason for you not to have posted. Aren't all of your days like that?

PS I don't even remember the last time I watched Greys and PP...I guess I'm over it now.