I did not almost lose it when Caroline brought me her pull-up right before bedtime...full of poop.
I did not laugh a little when I saw a trail of poop from her room to mine.
I did not eat WAY to much on Thanksgiving.
I did not throw up in my mouth a little bit when one of my older aunts (really my great, great aunt... but who's counting?) acted as if she was choking and starting making a weird noise in her throat. I hate weird throat noises. I cannot even describe to you what it does to me. I can't even listen to Ryan brush his teeth. I gag.
My sister did not gag a little too when I told her the story. She didn't even hear/see it happen.
I did not just throw up in my mouth again just thinking about it.
I did not start writing my Not Me's on Friday so I wouldn't forget them.
I did not decide I was going to put my Christmas trees up Friday.
I did not get busy and say, "Whatever... no trees today."
I did not talk the hubs into buying a REAL tree this year. This is our third Christmas being married and I FINALLY talked him into a real tree.
I did not get ticked when he came home with a tree that looked as if it were on Charlie Brown. He was all, "It's eight feet." I was all like WHATEVER.

I did not laugh a little when the hubs was outside cutting limbs with scissors. Yes, scissors.
I did not get extremely excited when he put the tree in the house and it was absolutely beautiful... and tall. I guess it's eight feet. I didn't measure.
I did not put Caroline's white Christmas tree together tonight in the middle of the den floor, eating brownies, while watching Desperate Housewives... alone... after everyone was asleep. It was such a wonderful, quiet hour.
Thanks Mckmama for starting this wonderful therapy I enjoy every Monday. I was so excited when Wendi joined in last week. Welcome to this chaotic fun Wendi! It is oh so fabulous and oh so fun. I would love for you to join in on the fun too!
Here are the rules.
Have fun!
ugh... i was going to put up the tree tonight too but it's too big for our living room. so while we were out looking for trees tonight my hubby said hey lets get a real tree this year. man i was excited! but then he saw the prices and changed his mind back to artificial... oh well! enjoy yours! oh, and the poop story is great although i definitely wouldn't have been laughing at the trail....!
Too funny! I thought I was alone in my little gagfest world! I will gag when I get too cold from bursts of cold winds in the winter....everyone around me just laughs! I planned to put up Christmas deco and the tree this weekend but alas I did NOT!!
Well, that's more progress than I made...our decorations have been pulled out and the bins are all sitting in the living room...all EIGHT of them!! (plus the odd bags of things that don't fit IN the bins!) And YAY on your first real tree, aren't they great?? And ya, they look much better once they're actually setup and everything. And once the lites and ornaments are on...just too beautiful! Enjoy!
Enjoyed reading your "not me's". Totally makes me want to put my Christmas decorations up!! Merry Christmas!! Love your pics of your kids; very precious.
Enjoyed reading your Not Me's and liked your blog as well. thanks for sharing your week with us.
LOVE your not me's! OMG I was ROLLING about your Great great great etc Aunt! LOL OMG that was my big laugh this morning! LOL
I had to laugh about the 2 year old with the pull up full of poop! Been there....actually still going there! Loved your post! Have a great day!
LOL, limbs with scissors! Sounds like something my hubs would totally do.
Too funny! I almost threw up in my mouth a little just thinking about it!
I have a pretty sensitive gag reflex too! Loved the whole poop story, been there, done that!
I am laughing because I always say "Threw up in my mouth a little!" too! You are hilarious!
We had a little poo incident at our house as well. Not as bad as yours though!
I guess I am not going to have to set my alarm next week to get up with you ladies....
I did laugh at your poor pull up story...that has happened to me, about ten times to many...AHHHH!
Thanks for the list.
The "throwing up a little in your mouth" is too funny! I'm the same way with certain things. And you almost throwing up just thinking about it again is hysterical! Glad you finally got your real tree. You will have to post pictures.
Ok...so how early do you have to post to be the very first person? Thought I was on the ball at 9 a.m. eastern time..not so much! I love the choking story, and can relate! I'm 10 wks pregnant and gag over everything..can't floss my teeth or sneeze w/out gagging at the end of it! AND my DH is a loud squishy chewer, which bothers me most when I'm pregnant!
I love this idea.
Thanks again for sharing it with me.
You may have just added another addiction to my growing list.
I want to see your Charlie Brown Christmas tree...it sounds perfect.
You must post pictures.
No photos needed of Caroline's pull up.
I think I got the visual.
I want a quiet evening alone...how do you get one of those?
You have a darling family and a cute blog. Thanks for sharing.
The cutting the tree with scissors was pretty funny.
I noticed Caroline was born on the same day as my son, Mitchel.
I bet your tree is beautiful...
And, if only Izzy would poop right now!
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