Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I drove a minivan. Vomit.

The Jeep ride is getting inspected.

So, Daddy George let me borrow a car.

Scratch that... a minivan.

A van.

A pimp van.

Y'all know I hate a minivan.


I posed and made my 5 year old take my picture with the van.

It is old.

No automatic doors.

No DVD player.

No freaking air conditioner.

As if the van could get any worse.


As soon as Caroline got in she screamed "WHAT IS THAT SMELL????"

The pimp van smells of cheeseburgers and... urine.

With all that in mind, I said a lot of ugly words driving the pimp van to story time this morning.

I parked behind the library.

Dangerous... I know.

I had to hide the van.

 Thank goodness no one saw us.

What a disaster that would have been.

We can't hide the smell but we can hide the van.


Crisis avoided.

UNTIL, I saw this picture.

Dear God.

I was dancing back to the house and Caroline was snapping pictures.

I took one look at this one and notice my zipper was down.

Not only did I show up to story time in a minivan, I went into story time with my zipper down.

Dang, I am so cool!


* For more giggles: As I was typing this post, Bug walked up to me.  She tapped me on the shoulder and said, "Can we go ride the minivan now?"  She loves it.


Ashley said...

Girl!!! Get you a good minivan and LOVE it. Nothing like those automatic doors....one day you'll give in :-)

Neila said...

Don't ever give in my friend. I am with you all the way. SAMS. Sisters Against MiniVans!