Sunday, June 10, 2012

And so it begins. . .

We hadn't even been on summer vacay for 24 hours.

We had multiple meltdowns in a very short period of time.

Keep in my all of these meltdowns happened from 12pm to 8pm.

Meltdown #1: Fight over the box of Cheez-Its.  Cheez-Its end up all over the couch and floor in little itty bitty pieces.

Meltdown #2: Caroline screams she hates me and I am the worst mom EVER because I will not let her have another snack until the Cheez-its are cleaned up.

We clean.  Another snack is given to both children... in the kitchen this time.

We decide to go to the splash pad and pool.

Meltdown #3:  Emma freaks because her size 5t bathing suit is "too tighttttttttttttttttttttttttttt"

We rip it off and put on a suit that better fits her needs.

I take the girls to the splash pad.

Meltdown #4: Caroline doesn't want to stay because there are 3 or 4 boys already at the splash pad.

Meltdown #5: Caroline screams because the water is too cold.

The girls finally let loose and play.

They are ready to leave after 5 minutes.

I decide not to fight a losing battle.

We go to the pool.

Meltdown #6:  Emma screams because she thinks I am going to pull her off of the steps.

Meltdown #7: Caroline doesn't want to get out of the pool and leave.

She throws a fit in front of everyone.

I leave.

Caroline stays in the pool.

I get in my car and crank it up... without Caroline.

She finally decides to get out of the pool and come to the car.

Don't forget, I am the "worst mom EVERRRRR!"

We leave.

Meltdown #8:  "Can we get a shaved ice?"  "I don't know if I have my wallet" I answered.  They screamed.

Meltdown #9:  I get them a margarita shaved ice (too bad no tequila was involved).  I ask for an extra cup and pour half the HUGE shaved ice into the extra cup.  And so began... "She has more than meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"  "No, she has more than me!!!!!!!"
"Hush about it or I will throw them BOTH in the trash can and I am NOT even playing."

We come home, take baths, go to dinner.

Meltdown #10: Caroline wants to sit with Anna but Bug has already plopped down beside her.  Caroline cries and talks loudly.  She makes a scene but I did promise she could sit beside Anna so she won.  Emma sulked for a few minutes but was over it quickly.

We come home.

Meltdown #11: Emma's feet are on Caroline's blanket.  World War III begins.  Kicking happened, pinching happened, a slap was thrown at some point.  I let them fight it out.  There was no need in stopping it.

I was counting down the seconds until 8pm.  I was so ready for their bedtime I could hardly stand it.

The past few days have been the same.

I feel like I cannot process a complete thought.

I think it's going to be a long summer y'all!

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