Maybe it was one day last week.
I don't remember when I started hating Halloween.
I love putting all my cute decorations around the house.
I love carving the pumpkin.
I love dressing Caroline up.
(Caroline with Mary George (Pink Princess) and her friend.)
I love candy.
However, I don't love candy around the house.
Caroline wants candy for breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner.
As I type she is sitting in the chair, watching Barney, eating M&M's, and has made up a song about eating at Bojangles.
These days some parents don't allow candy. They sure wouldn't let their children watch 3 Barney episodes in a row... and their children sure as heck wouldn't know what Bojangles was.
Wild child with M&M leftovers on her face
Most parents would freak out. I just wipe her mouth off and move on.
But you know, she ate a sausage biscuit for breakfast. She will eat a well balanced lunch. So I just say... whatever. Let her eat a few M&M's.
However, it is a battle that I am sick of fighting.
I am tired of hiding the candy.
I am tired of telling her if she does something she will be rewarded with candy.
I am tired of telling her that candy is NOT a breakfast food.
Therefore my friends... I have solved the problem. I am eating the whole loot.
You heard me every single piece. I have made it my mission.
The doctor said I needed extra calories for my milk production... here I go (opening a Twix)... piece number 1 only 5 million left to go.
Maybe it will be all gone one day.
I will sign this letter Mean Mommy (who eats all of your Halloween candy) for today.

PS- Who passes out Almond Joys? I'll tell you who... my Daddy George. Gross. Of course Caroline enjoys them. Weird child.
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