Tuesday, February 9, 2010


One of the most controversial topics I've ever written about.

I try to stay away from these types of topics. But I am writing for the newpaper, so I couldn't help myself.

This is my first controversial topic. Do you think it will be my last??

Check it out and leave me a comment on how you feel.


Anonymous said...

I'm with you. My children get their shots like they are supposed to because well, in my opinion, those are set guidelines by professionals. Who really knows what causes autism? I just know I don't want my children getting those terrible diseases. I do have friends who use the alternated guidelines and just push their shots back. I don't know, but this is a heated debate among many people. I think what you wrote sounds perfectly fine. If somebody wants to start something, then they are probably loving some good drama. You wrote a great article!

Anonymous said...

I loved the article. Well written. I am the same way, I was worried. Although E got very sick w.the MMR (shoe got Infantile Rosiola- It was coincidental) but I was still worried. After talking to her pediatrician my worries passed. I still feel scared with up coming shots though... I feel this is normal, though?