Last night we went to a local Italian restaurant.
It is one of my all-time favorite places to eat.
This was Caroline and Emma's first visit.
Emma did wonderful. So did Caroline. I was suprised since they were filling up on carbs that would soon turn to tons to sugar.
Anyway, halfway through our meal Caroline did the unthinkable.
She loudly told us that she had to "nink nink" aka poop.
I'm pretty sure our section of the restaurant heard her. Let's just hope the kitchen staff didn't.
As I sat there and thought, I told myself it was ok because she is clearly only three and doesn't know any better.
Then, Ryan did the unthinkable.
"Is it going to be a big one, the Big?" He calls Caroline "The Big".
I mean really Ryan? Really?
In public?
Talking about big poop?
Why would you say such a thing?
Welcome. Welcome to my life.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Very little cooperation.
I had very little of it yesterday while taking fall pictures.
After trying and trying, I gave up.
Maybe one of them will be good enough to be the winner of the You Capture contest at I Shoud Be Folding The Laundry. I really enjoy the traffic I get from these Mr. Linky contests. It is a great way to find new, fabulous blogs.
So, here we go.
Welcome Fall. Oh, how I love you.
Dear Caroline,
Today was your Halloween party at school. I was more excited than you. I stayed up late getting everything perfect. I stuffed bags, made treats, counted mini pumpkins.

You know that I love to go all Martha-freaking-Stewart at these events.
Today's party? Eyeballs. I made peanut butter eyeballs.

They were super cute. Everyone seemed to enjoy them too! Actually, all of the food was great.

You brought everyone in your class mini pumpkins.

Anyway, I just writing to tell you that this is just the beginning for all of the madness. Your mom has an addiction to all things super cute and fun. I am also going to forewarn you that I will probably still be doing this when you are in high school. Cute treats for every occasion and treat bags for EVERYONE!
You will thank me for it one day.
Love always,
Your Mom, Martha-freaking-Stewart
Today was your Halloween party at school. I was more excited than you. I stayed up late getting everything perfect. I stuffed bags, made treats, counted mini pumpkins.
You know that I love to go all Martha-freaking-Stewart at these events.
Today's party? Eyeballs. I made peanut butter eyeballs.
They were super cute. Everyone seemed to enjoy them too! Actually, all of the food was great.
You brought everyone in your class mini pumpkins.
Anyway, I just writing to tell you that this is just the beginning for all of the madness. Your mom has an addiction to all things super cute and fun. I am also going to forewarn you that I will probably still be doing this when you are in high school. Cute treats for every occasion and treat bags for EVERYONE!
You will thank me for it one day.
Love always,
Your Mom, Martha-freaking-Stewart
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Wordless Wednesday (Lollipop Lover)
WOW!!! Look what {I} found.

Hey you, over there! Can you open this? {She} is too busy taking pictures.

Maybe I can open it {myself}.{teeth}...

Could you {please} put the camera down and help me?

KK to the {rescue}.

Yummm. {Thank} you!

So {good}!

You are the {best}.

Don't forget to vote for Emma HERE! She is #5!!
Hey you, over there! Can you open this? {She} is too busy taking pictures.
Maybe I can open it {myself}.{teeth}...
Could you {please} put the camera down and help me?
KK to the {rescue}.
Yummm. {Thank} you!
So {good}!
You are the {best}.
Don't forget to vote for Emma HERE! She is #5!!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
I want everyone to meet her.
When I first began blogging, my intentions were unknown.
What am I to blog about? Where do I begin? What audience do I want to reach out to? How do I make this work?
I searched blogs. I read millions. Some I loved... some not so much.
Then one day, I found Angie.
WOW! Bring me to my knees. She is amazing! I sat. I read. I cried. I laughed. I made a connection with a woman I have never even met. She touched my life in more ways than I could have ever imagined... through a blog. How is that even possible?

Over a year later and I am still hooked. I cling to her every word. She is the most beautiful writer I have ever come across.
Her words dance across the screen and make you connect to everything that she says.
The first post I came across was The Past and The Pitcher. After that post, I stayed up for hours reading Angie, Todd, Abbie, Ellie, Kate, and Audrey Caroline's story.
I started at The Beginning.
I can only hope and dream that my writing will be as beautiful as hers one day.
Anyway, I know a lot of people read Angie's blog so this is for those of you who don't. Read it. It is amazing. It is life-changing. It is beautiful.
Why am I introducing you to her? Well, Angie just announced today that she is pregnant again. I am so excited for her and her family.
Head over and tell her congratulations. Keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
I promise, you will fall in love with her blog. You can thank me later. ;-)
What am I to blog about? Where do I begin? What audience do I want to reach out to? How do I make this work?
I searched blogs. I read millions. Some I loved... some not so much.
Then one day, I found Angie.
WOW! Bring me to my knees. She is amazing! I sat. I read. I cried. I laughed. I made a connection with a woman I have never even met. She touched my life in more ways than I could have ever imagined... through a blog. How is that even possible?

Over a year later and I am still hooked. I cling to her every word. She is the most beautiful writer I have ever come across.
Her words dance across the screen and make you connect to everything that she says.
The first post I came across was The Past and The Pitcher. After that post, I stayed up for hours reading Angie, Todd, Abbie, Ellie, Kate, and Audrey Caroline's story.
I started at The Beginning.
I can only hope and dream that my writing will be as beautiful as hers one day.
Anyway, I know a lot of people read Angie's blog so this is for those of you who don't. Read it. It is amazing. It is life-changing. It is beautiful.
Why am I introducing you to her? Well, Angie just announced today that she is pregnant again. I am so excited for her and her family.
Head over and tell her congratulations. Keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
I promise, you will fall in love with her blog. You can thank me later. ;-)
Sweet Caroline.
My little turkey nugget.
My little "if you hit me, I hit back" nugget.
My little "tattle tail" nugget.
My little "pedal my bike so fast I almost flip over" nugget.
My little "love my sister one minute, hit her the next" nugget.
My little "I love my Daddy" nugget.
My little "I know how to swing" nugget.
My little "sometimes I say cuss words" nugget.
You know what? Let's just stick with turkey nugget.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Not Me! Monday.

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
I {have not} put Not Me! Monday on the back burner lately.
I {am not} bringing it back today.
I few of you {will not} thank me.
I {did not} eat two brownies last night... at 11:30pm.
I {did not} oversleep this morning. I {did not} blame it on the late-night brownies.
With that said, we {were not} a little late dropping off at preschool this morning.
I {did not} feed my children pop-tarts in the car on the way to school.
I {did not} forget Caroline's chips that she wanted for snack.
I {was not} in luck when I found a 2-day-old ziplock baggie of Cheese-Its. I {did not} throw them in her ladybug bookbag and walk her into school. I would {never} do such a thing.
I {did not} forget to wipe the pop tart off of Emma's mouth before walking in. She {did not} look like a thrown away poor kid.
I {did not} stop to talk to a mom. After walking inside, I {did not} look down to sign Caroline in. I {did not} see that my black bra was halfway exposed. I'm talking half of the bra {was not} exposed. Fabulous. I {did not} tell myself that it was ok because clearly all of my boob was in the bra. Thank.God. I should have just gone topless.
I {did not} get into the car and drive away, relieved that drop-off was over.
I {did not} eat half of a pop-tart for breakfast with a little side of drool.
Enough about my crappy morning...
We {did not} go out for salads for date night this weekend. We are more exciting than that.
However, we {did not} go out last weekend for date night and spend way too much money. If you live in our area, {do not} go HERE. OMG! So good! I {did not} drink two cocktails. They {were not} just fabulous. This {is not} the recipe:
~ Vanilla flavored vodka
~ Amaretto
~ Pineapple juice
~ Brandy aged cherry
{Do not} try it. It {does not} taste like cheesecake in a highball glass. Yum!
I {do not} have a ton of clothes to wash today.
I {do not} have to dust.
I {am not} ending this post so that I can go do all of those things.
Don't forget to VOTE FOR EMMA! She is #5 doing her super cute fish face! We have until November 5th to vote. VOTEVOTEVOTE! Thanks!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
...proof that she is back to {normal}.

I will not post the before pictures again. They are too terrible.
{I stole this picture from Anna' facebook. It's not the best picture.}
Don't forget to go vote for Emma! She's #5!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
I never discuss arguments that Ryan and I have.
This one was different.
This one made me so angry.
This one, I am going to discuss.
The weather is getting cooler so of course I am wearing my jeans again.
All of my jeans are low-rise. Sorry that I am a mom and I don't wear mom jeans. Whatev. I am 24. I am not overweight. I am ok with my body. Therefore, I still buy low-rise jeans. Yayy me!
Of course, one has to be careful of the low-rise jean. There are a lot of moments while you wear them that you have to make sure your crack is not hanging out.
Believe me, in public I don't bend over and show the whole world my crack. I have a little more couth than that.
Last night, in the privacy of my own home, I bent over and exposed the majority of my crack. {Side note: I blame this on the fact that I have a super high crack. It is almost as if my crack goes up my back.} Anyway, Ryan flipped. I'm talking flipped.
He told me how tired he was with seeing my crack all of the time. He told me that I did not know how to carry myself. Blahblahblah. All laughable statements that I was just brushing off. {PS- I think he is totally PMSing} I had comebacks like, "If I wanted to walk around my house naked all of the time, I could." "Why do you have such a problem with seeing my crack?" "We are at home. We are not in public." "I am the mother of your children, nutjob. You have seen a lot more than my crack, ok?"
Then he said it. "Other girls..." Ok stop right there. What?
I went off. And yes. I went off with my children in the same room as the played in the corner with their toys. {I am totally winning the mother of the year award.}
Do NOT compare me to anyone. Ever. For any reason. Well, unless you want to see my head spin around or you want me to eat you.
I have never cared what people say or think of me. I am who I am.
I go to the grocery store with no makeup on.
I don't always fix my hair.
I am late taking and picking Caroline up from preschool some times.
I let me ass hang out in the privacy of my on home... and in front of the hubs.
I am me and I love it. Sue me.
So, don't ever compare me to someone else. Whether is be one person or just women in general. Don't compare me. I don't care what other girls do, wear, or say. I am NOT other girls. I am Hailey and I let my crack show.
Anyway, the fight ended with me going upstairs to shower. I left him downstairs with the children.
Nothing else has been discussed about the ass issue.
I can tell you one thing though, Ryan is SUPER insecure about ass cracks. I'm.just.sayin'.
So, if you ever come to visit, be sure to pull your pants down so that they lay just above the crackage. Also, be sure to bend over and expose said crackage to my husband. I am totally giving you permission.
Feelings? Thoughts? Discuss away my friends. Discuss away.
This one was different.
This one made me so angry.
This one, I am going to discuss.
The weather is getting cooler so of course I am wearing my jeans again.
All of my jeans are low-rise. Sorry that I am a mom and I don't wear mom jeans. Whatev. I am 24. I am not overweight. I am ok with my body. Therefore, I still buy low-rise jeans. Yayy me!
Of course, one has to be careful of the low-rise jean. There are a lot of moments while you wear them that you have to make sure your crack is not hanging out.
Believe me, in public I don't bend over and show the whole world my crack. I have a little more couth than that.
Last night, in the privacy of my own home, I bent over and exposed the majority of my crack. {Side note: I blame this on the fact that I have a super high crack. It is almost as if my crack goes up my back.} Anyway, Ryan flipped. I'm talking flipped.
He told me how tired he was with seeing my crack all of the time. He told me that I did not know how to carry myself. Blahblahblah. All laughable statements that I was just brushing off. {PS- I think he is totally PMSing} I had comebacks like, "If I wanted to walk around my house naked all of the time, I could." "Why do you have such a problem with seeing my crack?" "We are at home. We are not in public." "I am the mother of your children, nutjob. You have seen a lot more than my crack, ok?"
Then he said it. "Other girls..." Ok stop right there. What?
I went off. And yes. I went off with my children in the same room as the played in the corner with their toys. {I am totally winning the mother of the year award.}
Do NOT compare me to anyone. Ever. For any reason. Well, unless you want to see my head spin around or you want me to eat you.
I have never cared what people say or think of me. I am who I am.
I go to the grocery store with no makeup on.
I don't always fix my hair.
I am late taking and picking Caroline up from preschool some times.
I let me ass hang out in the privacy of my on home... and in front of the hubs.
I am me and I love it. Sue me.
So, don't ever compare me to someone else. Whether is be one person or just women in general. Don't compare me. I don't care what other girls do, wear, or say. I am NOT other girls. I am Hailey and I let my crack show.
Anyway, the fight ended with me going upstairs to shower. I left him downstairs with the children.
Nothing else has been discussed about the ass issue.
I can tell you one thing though, Ryan is SUPER insecure about ass cracks. I'm.just.sayin'.
So, if you ever come to visit, be sure to pull your pants down so that they lay just above the crackage. Also, be sure to bend over and expose said crackage to my husband. I am totally giving you permission.
Feelings? Thoughts? Discuss away my friends. Discuss away.
Question answered.
Don't forget to vote for Emma!
To answer Megan's question about the top secret prize giveaway.
You didn't miss anything. It is still top secret. I will probably reveal early next week the big project that I have had going on. Like I said before, if you have little girls you are going to LOVE it!
It's like the winners get a sneak peak.
Yayy! Get excited!
To answer Megan's question about the top secret prize giveaway.
You didn't miss anything. It is still top secret. I will probably reveal early next week the big project that I have had going on. Like I said before, if you have little girls you are going to LOVE it!
It's like the winners get a sneak peak.
Yayy! Get excited!
Elefun & Friends Silly Kids Photo Contest
Emma is a FINALIST!112 enteries and Emma was one of the 12 finalists! Yayyy!
Now, it is your job to vote! It is super easy.
Click the word vote anywhere in this post. It will take you to 5M4M. Read the blog post and at the bottom will be a place for you to VOTE!
Important Information Regarding Voting• While you may want to vote for all of the photos, the Democracy Poll only allows one vote per IP address. This is one vote for the duration of the contest. So, make it a good one!
•If other family members wish to vote, they will have to vote from a different IP address. {Example, my Mom and Dad can't vote from the same computer.}
•Voting will end Thursday, November 5th, 3pm Eastern.
Thanks y'all!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
I don't.
I am announcing my giveaway winner tonight! Be on the look out.

Jenna at Jenna's Journey has started a fun little carnival called "I DON'T WEDNESDAY". The object of the game? Tell what you don't do.
Here it goes...
I don't like any type of meat on a bone. I don't eat chicken anymore either. {The chicken thing just started.}
I don't spill salt without throwing a pinch of it over my shoulder.
I don't like to be the last person out of the house. I will make Ryan come back inside if I'm the last one out. It's my OCD. I can't handle it. There is a lot of pressure in being the last one out. Meaning, the one that locks and shuts the door. My OCD will eat at me and worry me sick. I get my panties all in a bunch worried that I didn't lock the door or shut it all the way. To avoid such anxiety, Ryan just shuts the door. (Maybe I should post about my OCD. It might deserve a whole post by itself. Are you interested?)
I don't wear shoes in the summer. If you see me, I am always barefoot.
I love wine but I don't "know" wine. The cheap bottle of Duplin County Black River Red or Schmitt Riesling are my favorites.
I don't wash my car. It probably hasn't been washed since July of last year.
I don't eat onions but I love their flavor. So, I will cook with them and then pick them out of the dish that I cooked. Ha!
I don't eat Chinese food anymore (after Em was born) but I will eat Japanese.
I don't drink Jungle Juice anymore. I put down about a thousands cartons of that stuff when I was pregnant with Caroline. Yuck.
I don't print very many pictures after I take them. Sad, I know.
I don't eat crab meat from a crableg but I love deviled crab.
I don't ever pass up bread. EVER.
What don't you do?

Jenna at Jenna's Journey has started a fun little carnival called "I DON'T WEDNESDAY". The object of the game? Tell what you don't do.
Here it goes...
I don't like any type of meat on a bone. I don't eat chicken anymore either. {The chicken thing just started.}
I don't spill salt without throwing a pinch of it over my shoulder.
I don't like to be the last person out of the house. I will make Ryan come back inside if I'm the last one out. It's my OCD. I can't handle it. There is a lot of pressure in being the last one out. Meaning, the one that locks and shuts the door. My OCD will eat at me and worry me sick. I get my panties all in a bunch worried that I didn't lock the door or shut it all the way. To avoid such anxiety, Ryan just shuts the door. (Maybe I should post about my OCD. It might deserve a whole post by itself. Are you interested?)
I don't wear shoes in the summer. If you see me, I am always barefoot.
I love wine but I don't "know" wine. The cheap bottle of Duplin County Black River Red or Schmitt Riesling are my favorites.
I don't wash my car. It probably hasn't been washed since July of last year.
I don't eat onions but I love their flavor. So, I will cook with them and then pick them out of the dish that I cooked. Ha!
I don't eat Chinese food anymore (after Em was born) but I will eat Japanese.
I don't drink Jungle Juice anymore. I put down about a thousands cartons of that stuff when I was pregnant with Caroline. Yuck.
I don't print very many pictures after I take them. Sad, I know.
I don't eat crab meat from a crableg but I love deviled crab.
I don't ever pass up bread. EVER.
What don't you do?
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Get Silly & Win
5 Minutes For Mom is having a really silly giveaway!
They want to see the silly side of your child. So search through your photos and find the one that brings a smile to your face and laughter to your heart. That photo might just win you $1,000!
How to enter is located HERE.
Here is the photo I am going to enter.

Emma bug making her fish face. Makes me laugh every time!
Remember, head over to 5M4M for your chance to win.
Good luck!
They want to see the silly side of your child. So search through your photos and find the one that brings a smile to your face and laughter to your heart. That photo might just win you $1,000!
How to enter is located HERE.
Here is the photo I am going to enter.
Emma bug making her fish face. Makes me laugh every time!
Remember, head over to 5M4M for your chance to win.
Good luck!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Top secret mission ^Giveaway^
NEW Update 10/17: Lindsey McAulay, Amy, Diana, vickileigh, Krystyn, Sara {I need your e-mail}, Lindsey {I need your e-mail}, Wendi, and Amy... thanks for entering girls!
Keep those entries coming!!
Update: I fixed the comments. I had turned them completely off. Go Hailey! Anyway, they are back up now. So enter away!!
I doing something mission impossible style.
I have a top secret project going on. I have asked my family and a few friends for their input on this project. {If you have little girls, you are going to LOVE it!}
I am super excited about it and have a few more things to work out before it is off of the ground and running.
So, what does this have to do with you?
I am having a little contest.
It is going to be a fun one. Are you ready?
Here we go...
There are lines/quotes from certain movies that I love. I will list 5 different lines from 5 different movies. Your goal? To answer them all correctly. In the case that no one gets them all, the person with the most correct answers will win. If I have more than one person get them all correct, I will have Caroline draw a name.
The winner will receive a top secret prize from the project I've been working on.
Got that?
I will give you the line/quote from the movie. You give me the name of the movie.
Here we go....
1. "The Donger need food."
2. "Your mom goes to college."
3. "Orlando, you like it? It's "autumn sunrise"."
4. "Son of a beotch! My skull is on firee!"
5. "M'Lynn, your husband is the boil on the butt of humanity."
There you have it, people. Guess away.
I have turned comment moderation on for now. That way there will be no cheating. Therefore when you submit your comment, your comment will not appear in the comment section.
I will send you an e-mail letting you know that I got your answers.
I will announce the winner in the next few days.
Good luck and good guessing!
NEW Update 10/17: Lindsey McAulay, Amy, Diana, vickileigh, Krystyn, Sara {I need your e-mail}, Lindsey {I need your e-mail}, Wendi, and Amy... thanks for entering girls!
Keep those entries coming!!
Update: I fixed the comments. I had turned them completely off. Go Hailey! Anyway, they are back up now. So enter away!!
I doing something mission impossible style.
I have a top secret project going on. I have asked my family and a few friends for their input on this project. {If you have little girls, you are going to LOVE it!}
I am super excited about it and have a few more things to work out before it is off of the ground and running.
So, what does this have to do with you?
I am having a little contest.
It is going to be a fun one. Are you ready?
Here we go...
There are lines/quotes from certain movies that I love. I will list 5 different lines from 5 different movies. Your goal? To answer them all correctly. In the case that no one gets them all, the person with the most correct answers will win. If I have more than one person get them all correct, I will have Caroline draw a name.
The winner will receive a top secret prize from the project I've been working on.
Got that?
I will give you the line/quote from the movie. You give me the name of the movie.
Here we go....
1. "The Donger need food."
2. "Your mom goes to college."
3. "Orlando, you like it? It's "autumn sunrise"."
4. "Son of a beotch! My skull is on firee!"
5. "M'Lynn, your husband is the boil on the butt of humanity."
There you have it, people. Guess away.
I have turned comment moderation on for now. That way there will be no cheating. Therefore when you submit your comment, your comment will not appear in the comment section.
I will send you an e-mail letting you know that I got your answers.
I will announce the winner in the next few days.
Good luck and good guessing!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Wordless Wednesday...
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Guess who is walking {with no pants on}?
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