Lindsey at McAulay Moments nominated me for the Kreativ Blogger Award. Go check out her list of winners. I am honored to be on a list of such fabulous bloggers. Lindsey is an awesome blogger too! Go by and tell her HEY!
{The Kreativ Blogger Award rules}
1. Thank the person who awarded you.
2. Copy and paste the logo into your blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
4. List 7 things about yourself that readers might not know.
5. Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
7. Leave a comment on each blog, to let them know they've been nominated.
{7 Randoms about Me}
1. I have big ears because my ears don't curl. Weird, huh? Here is a link to what my ears look like. No, that is not my ear. But mine totally looks like that. Be jealous.
2. I believe old wives tales. {This is a post in itself.}
3. I do not have a hitchhiker's thumb. My thumbs are straight.
4. I bite or clip my fingernails everyday. I have anxiety when I can see white on my fingernails/toenails.
5. I can't see colors well at night. The yellow center line looks white to me at night.
6. I love weird names. Too bad my husband likes names like Francis and Fiona. We had to settle for normal names that we both liked, Caroline and Emma. My weird names? Ask if you are interested. I just might share them with you.
7. I just learned a few days ago why the time changes. 24 years. That's how long it took me to ask why the time changes. Ryan told me the answer. I think he googled it. I'm.just.sayin'.
I nominate... EVERYONE that reads this a blogs. I'm not kidding. I love every blog that I read. I can't just pick 7. You are ALL my favorites. So, go ahead. Follow the rules. YOU WIN!! Congratulations!
1 comment:
Thanks for your kind words! And I am very curious about what weird names you like :)
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