A week ago at this exact time (12:52 am), you turned 2 years old.
I was slack this year. No big birthday party. No homemade cupcakes. No invitations. No blog post.
Your birthday snuck up on me. With preschool, pictures at a wedding, other parties, etc. I had no time.
I'm sorry.
Sunday I had a break down. I just wanted to go home from a birthday party and make cupcakes for you. I felt like it would somehow make the fact that your birthday sucked, a little better. I had no time though. Your Daddy had plans to do a million other things with you. I didn't make the cupcakes.
I felt like a failure as a mother... as I do most days. (When you become a mother, you will find that this is normal.) Your birthday was just extra sucky for me.
For you though, it was awesome. You had oreos for breakfast followed by a HUGE breakfast at Nana's. Then we went to a birthday party for one of your friends. You ate hotdogs, cake, and got a HUGE lollipop that you held like a baby. You loved it that good. We had your favorite, pizza, for dinner. You got a bracelet like the big girls. It has been a week and you haven't taken that bracelet off yet. You ate so much candy, I thought you were in a sugar coma at one point during the night.
You are two Bug!
I can't believe it.
In this life promise to dance, make mistakes, be independent and love with all your heart.

You will always be my Bug.
PS- Next year, we are going to have a HUGE party. I promise.
PPS- I made you those super yummy cupcakes. They were a day late but delicious all the same. We even put a candle in one and sang Happy Birthday to you.

Your two year old Bug is adorable!!! And the words you typed here I believe will be treasured for many years. :)
Happy Birthday, Bug!!!
Happy Birthday Pretty GIRL!!!
Stop it. TWO?
Wait, that means mine is two next week!
Happy birthday, sweet bug!
Beautiful post, even if you didn't do a party! Don't feel bad, Charlotte didn't get a 2 yr. "party" either! Audrey MIGHT. LOL
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