Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
I did not have a mild panic attack yesterday. Emma has not been running a low-grade fever for about 3 days. I did not immediately think that it was because I gave her the H1N1 vaccine. Not me! I would never think such crazy thoughts.
Emma does not have 2 molars coming in. We are not blaming them for her fever.
I did not eat too much Moose Tracks ice cream last night while watching Brothers and Sisters.
I have not started 4 different posts and finished none of them.
Caroline did not come home from preschool today in a preschool shirt. She did not spill juice all over herself. I did not take her extra shirt out of her book bag and forget to put a new one back in. I am more on top of things than that.
I did not feel like a rockstar when helping Anna with her math homework. I did not answer a super hard problem in less than 30 seconds. Yayy me!
I did not check my e-mail last night to find that I won TWO Christmas card GCs. I am not super excited and my Christmas cards are not going to rock this year.
I did not
I did not just look up to find Emma pulling every wipe out of the pack. What is the deal with a child's fascination with wipes?
Speaking of Emma, she does not know how to climb the stairs. It is not super annoying. What is the deal with a child's fascination with stairs? I don't know either.
Caroline is not in the terrible 3s. They are not awful. You don't believe people when they say the 3s are worse than the 2s. So far, it has not been sooo true! At three, they do not know how to talk back. It does not suck.
I did not decide today to get tickets for Caroline to Disney on Ice. Fun times!
I am not going to get the kids down for naps. I am not going to take Christmas pictures today. I will not blog later.
Can't wait to see how sucky your Christmas cards are. I so do NOT want to be on the card list.
I love reading your not me monday posts!
Oh and congrats on the xmas cards and being a smarty pants :)
We are in the talking back stage, too. Yeah, so not fun.
And, I'm sort of bummed about you winning Christmas cards, but I guess I'll have to be happy for you!
Oooh! I love Moose Tracks too!
And I hear ya - the Threes have been much more challenging than the Twos!
what is the deal with baby wipes? Collin must think they are for decorating the carpet.
and yeah, we're in the talking back stage also, only with Collin, and he just turned 2. he says things like "you're going down" and "shush you mouf". of course he has his super cute grin on his face when he says it so all you can do is laugh.
Haha, you are too much! I love your blog!
I love how you "borrowed" money to buy BK for breakfast. I've seen the commercials for those cini-minis, and they look delicious. Now I'm gonna *have* to try one!
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