Friday, October 16, 2009

Top secret mission ^Giveaway^


NEW Update 10/17: Lindsey McAulay, Amy, Diana, vickileigh, Krystyn, Sara {I need your e-mail}, Lindsey {I need your e-mail}, Wendi, and Amy... thanks for entering girls!

Keep those entries coming!!

Update: I fixed the comments. I had turned them completely off. Go Hailey! Anyway, they are back up now. So enter away!!
I doing something mission impossible style.

I have a top secret project going on. I have asked my family and a few friends for their input on this project. {If you have little girls, you are going to LOVE it!}

I am super excited about it and have a few more things to work out before it is off of the ground and running.

So, what does this have to do with you?

I am having a little contest.

It is going to be a fun one. Are you ready?

Here we go...

There are lines/quotes from certain movies that I love. I will list 5 different lines from 5 different movies. Your goal? To answer them all correctly. In the case that no one gets them all, the person with the most correct answers will win. If I have more than one person get them all correct, I will have Caroline draw a name.

The winner will receive a top secret prize from the project I've been working on.

Got that?


I will give you the line/quote from the movie. You give me the name of the movie.

Here we go....

1. "The Donger need food."

2. "Your mom goes to college."

3. "Orlando, you like it? It's "autumn sunrise"."

4. "Son of a beotch! My skull is on firee!"

5. "M'Lynn, your husband is the boil on the butt of humanity."

There you have it, people. Guess away.

I have turned comment moderation on for now. That way there will be no cheating. Therefore when you submit your comment, your comment will not appear in the comment section.

I will send you an e-mail letting you know that I got your answers.

I will announce the winner in the next few days.

Good luck and good guessing!