Thursday, March 12, 2009

This is what happens...

...when I leave my husband in charge of our camera. His task? To take pictures of Caroline during Preschool Sunday. This was her first "program" she was in with her preschool class. They sang two songs. He had ample opportunity to take many pictures. This is all that I got.

Great picture, huh? Yep. This is the only one. Just ONE picture.

If you or your husband need photography lessons... Ryan is taking applications. I know that you are all jealous of his mad skills.


Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Oh, no! Daddy has lost his camera license for sure!

Emily said...

ahahah! this cracks me up!! I LOVE IT!!! Try again Ryan!ha!

Jamie said...

oh my gosh this is SO FREAKIN FUNNY haha!

That photography is impressive lady!