Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Fashion with Bug

Last week Bug was sick.

It was a long week of no preschool.

You can only imagine the number of times she changed her clothes.

Here are a few outfits from the past two days...

#1- This was her third outfit of the day.  I just didn't think to take a picture of the other two.

Later Monday night it was this outfit...

Yesterday she wore her Christmas dress to her preschool Christmas celebration.  As soon as we got home, she changed into this...

Yes, she wore this outside to play, the grocery store and Domino's to pick up our pizza.  Bless.

If you were wondering... she already has those pink leggings on AGAIN this morning with a fabulous jersey dress.

She may have a meltdown when I tell her they need to be washed today.

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